Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement

Our Modern Slavery statement 2021 is published in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that CDS Superstores International Limited T/A The Range has and will take to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain or in any part of our business.

The Range:

The Range is a leading out of town home, leisure and garden retailer operating on-line and in 191 stores in the UK and Ireland. We employee over 12,000 colleagues in our Stores, Distribution Centres and Head office.

We sell over 65,000 products. These products are sourced either directly from manufactures or from Suppliers. The majority of these products are manufactured overseas.

The Range has zero tolerance to corruption, modern slavery and human trafficking of any kind within our operation and supply chain. We are fully committed to taking action to combat modern day slavery and human trafficking and to uphold human right across all of our business and our supply chain

As a business we pride ourselves on acting fairly and ethically. Our reputation is built upon how we conduct business, the values of our colleagues and the integrity of our business partners.

Business Partners:

We expect all of our businesses partners to adhere to the following principles to protect workers throughout our supply chain against any such abuse.

We expect all business partners to operate effective means of disclosure within their own organisations and to The Range or in the event of any suspected breaches of the following principles:

  • No use of voluntary or involuntary prison labour, indentured labour, or other involuntary labour, slavery or human trafficking; 

  • No child labour, which means any person under the age of 15 or (if higher) the mandatory school leaving age under local laws, and workers under the age of 18 should not perform any form of hazardous work; 

  • Workers must be employed, retained and compensated based on their ability to perform their jobs and must not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race, colour, religion, sexual orientation, pregnancy, age, disability, political opinions, or other personal characteristics; 

  • Ensure that all workers are treated with respect and human dignity and prohibit all forms of violence, physical abuse, harassment or intimidation;  

  • Comply with local laws on working hours and time periods;

  • Workers’ pay must comply with applicable local laws, including in relation to minimum wage requirements; 

  • Providing equal opportunities and diversity in the workplace;

  • Observe the freedom and rights of workers to join labour organisations and to collective bargaining arrangements under local laws;  

  • Provide a safe and hygienic place of work, operate a safe system of work and comply with all local health and safety and environmental laws; 

  • Avoid any action in relation to its labour practices which might bring The Range into disrepute;

  • Act at all times with openness, honesty and integrity in relation to audits, inspections and compliance enquiries made by us and any other inspection bodies;

  • Not engage in any form of bribery or corruption or offer or accept any bribes in relation to business dealing at any time in relation to The Range, its employees, representatives, agents, contractors or any other third parties.          

Due Diligence:

Our Suppliers of goods and services, their factories and any associated 3rd party partners are required to comply with the principles of our Modern Slavery statement which communicates our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery.

All colleagues are required to report any concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern slavery in any parts of our business or supply chains of any Supplier at the earliest possible stage. We are committed to providing training for relevant colleagues on our Modern Slavery statement.

In the event of any suspected failure by a supplier to comply with our Modern Slavery statement, we will then investigate the matter with the supplier. In the event of a breach of the statement being confirmed we will review what appropriate action should be taken by ourselves and/or the supplier. In all cases we review our trading relationship with that supplier should continue.

On-Going Commitment:

Modern slavery is an ongoing risk. The Range is committed to continuously reviewing and improving the effectiveness of this policy to prevent modern slavery in our business or in our supply chain.

This statement has been reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of The Range in September 2021 and a copy of it has been signed by Alex Simpkin – Chief Executive Officer